Holy poo that movie sucks. I don't have ANYTHING positive to say about that movie. It was like 90210 + True Blood messed with a all-time-worst dialogue, stupid "romantic" jumping up and down trees, some vampire baseball.. Shit, shit, shit. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it. Don't waste your money on it.
I have also forgotten to mention my third favorite show, Mentalist. I don't know why I like it. It's not really good and that guy should be quite the mentalist to actually be able to pull stunts like that. I like Robin Tunney and there's something in her face that makes me just want to stare. I've seen The Craft for at least, like, twenty times. For some creepy reason, I love her chicken legs in it.
Simon Baker, who is the mentalist, Patric Jane (I always thought it was Jayne) has the most evil grin on his face sometimes. Great, wicked smile. Awesome! After CSI went to all-poo halfway through the eight season, this is my replacement. Simon Baker, who you'd might know from The Guardian and Land of the Dead. Of course I recognice him from Ring Two and The Devil Wears Prada (but I'd never confess to watching them)..
There's this X-Filish sparkles-theme between Jane and Lisbon that always works for me. Basically, any show having that kind of a relationship between the main characters, I'm sold.