I just love one-face-Keanu. Though in DESS it was justified, he is an alien and everything, I believe he's overbotoxed himself.
I had to whisper: "Wake up, Neo" at a certain point in the movie...
The movie: I thought I liked the movie until we got to the part where the Disney shit started, you know the *sob* I miss dad *sob* me too *sob shit*. Only US flag waving could have made the film worse. I hated the kid (Will Smith: Your kid is terrible, do him a favor and quit pushing him towards film career, he'll be in rehab in less than ten years anyway) from the get-go and when he called the authorties on Kleetus whereabouts, I was past anger. Made me realize why I hate kids and their way of thinking.. The graveyard (over-sappy shit) scene made me frustrated and I wanted to leave the theater, but thought I might was well let J finish it, though he wasn't pleased either. I'm sorry but this movie was sort of, like Disney meets Neo. The Disney part was the I-thought-you-thought-broken-relationship between the step mom and the annoying brat. I kept hoping the woman would give a good bitch slap to the boy and ditch him. How cruel of me.
One good thing: I almost cried when the spheres started gathering animals, saving the ones who weren't to blame. Another good thing: I almost cried when the woman understands Kleetu is here to save life on earth but not humans. We would deserve it. A disease that would wipe most of the population. Interstellar intervention. Anything that would give us a lesson...
The thing is.. I don't think we'd learn.
I'd give two stars to DESS, but only because I happen to like Keanu and I liked the two emotion spikes. That's it.