
Oof, Sickness Is Rising..

I haven't been on for awhile and have a good reason..

Swine flu, aka spanish flu aka (A)H1N1 - (spanish flu according to conspiracy theories)

Swine flu was pretty easy:
  • Fever went up to 38,7 (centigrade) in a few hours
  • Dry cough
  • Headache (worse than migraine)
  • Pressure on chest
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tiredness

- just like your regular influenza.

However, I have asthma, so I took it seriously.

Got Tamiflu, five days.

After five days went to the doctor, complaining difficulty to breathe, diagnosis: my asthma had gotten worse.

Got Prednisolon, five days. Double dosage of Symbicort.

Went to the doctor, complaining difficulty to breathe. Went for x-rays, blood tests, EKG.

Diagnosis: pneumonia.

Got Amoxillin, ten days

Feeling much better now, but still have this horrible weakness and it's still hard to breathe..

I'm happy to be alive, though. Most people who have died had something wrong with their lungs..


The Teach

I had a short streak of substitute teaching at the local business school. That week drained energy from me like a troupé of vampires. A killer week. The students were still in their teens, but hell, they were acting like we used to -  in pre school! All the swearing, teasing, it was hellish. Half the time I spent telling them off. Note, these were people who are supposed to enter real adult life next year, with work and responsibilities!

I'll never do that again. I'd rather live of J's money. Sorry, J.