
India's Pride(s)

Tell me,

Why in India, children born with diseases that cause malformation, are celebrated? Here they'd be hidden inside their homes and operated as soon as possible. In India, it seems to me, they are only operated if their condition causes them pain or difficulty of movement. Children born with too many legs and hands are worshipped as god-sent.

Though I'm heavily opposed to religions, this belief I like. They don't see the children as discusting and non-likeable because of how they are born, but believe they're given something special. A whole village gets famous thus being able to make money.

But why do these stories come out of India only? Are the only Shiva or whatsitsname -children born in India?

What I really don't want to know is how they deal with these children in the countries that do not support this belief (nor the health care system to try to fix them) ..?