I'm not sure if I have spoken of this earlier (and I'm too tired to actually check it), but Hans Zimmer's soundtrack for DaVinci Code (which I still haven't seen except the end) includes a song that stopped my life for the six minutes it runs. I was listening to the soundtrack from the beginning and paid no attention to it until that track came. It made me stop what I was doing and just listen. Then the music rose to the hights (I wish I knew the correct musical term for it), and out of nowhere, there were just tears coming out of my eyes. I didn't think of anything, but the tears just ran - and I just sat there in awe. That track has to be the best piece ever right behind Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. The latter has made me feel feelings stronger, but only once or twice in my life I have heard something that made me cry and Chevaliers De Sangreal did that.
Thank you Hans Zimmer for making this piece. I have heard others have felt it too and I've read that many think it's your best piece ever.
Good night.
EDIT: Apparently the correct term for pieces like Chevaliers De Sangreal would be "played appassionata"
EDIT 2: I knew I have liked the productions of Hans Zimmer for ages and my old Rain Man soundtrack proves it :)
EDIT 3: Should I really sit down and watch the movie for which it has been written?
EDIT 4: I still love this tune (which has made me teary too)