Well, ONE girl.
Not like that. But close.
I was watching Inside the Actors Studio last night and Cate Blanchett was the guest. That episode was from 2003, but I suppose the data is still valid :p I can't believe how humble, funny and real she seems to be. If that's really what she's like in real life.. I mean WHOA.. If I was gay, I'd love her.
Let me answer the questionnaire too, since that's my favorite part of the IAS.
What's your favorite word? Twit
What's your least favorite word? Dynamic
What turns you on? A tall, handsome, dark haired, blue eyed, broad shouldered guy walking in highwater pants..
What turns you off? Arrogance
What sound or noise do you love? Distant thunder
What sound or noise do you hate? My mother's voice
What's your favorite curse word? Vittu (It's a finnish equivalent of cunt which I learned from one of J's friends)
What profession other than yours would you like to participate? I'd like to be a helicopter pilot.
What profession other than yours would you not like to participate? I'd never want to be a coroner..
If heaven excists, what would you like to hear God say to you at the pearly gates? You're not due yet. Go back.