It's been going on for most of the "civilized" world and it will end only if the other side is gone forever. After Arafat died, it's gone to dogs and it's come to this, so this is it.
War is never good and will only result in deaths (what I actually find refreshing knowing the state Earth is in). A friend of mine said he wouldn't feel sorry even for the children that would die "because they're been brainwashed since infancy". I must agree, I'm sorry to say. I'm against every religion and especially mixing your children with all that nonsense, so this isn't even racist talk.
The only guilty ones in Gaza and surrounding area are the ones who say "god wills it (in any language)". The others just get caught in the middle and will suffer.
If a side must be chosen, I choose Israel. They (or most of them) at least, have learned to not to say "god wills it" and have tried to work out some kind of a peace.