I loved it. I just loved it. Can't say much more. I loved every aspect, every twist and turn, especially the motor oil bit. There are some people who I'd like to give the same treatment. :) The car chase in the beginning, great, though I felt a wee sorry for the Aston Martin. I loved Olga Kurkova and her tan (how come the Ukranian women are so pretty? Like Milla and half of the supermodels). The locations, wow! The hotel where they stayed at with Strawberry Fields and Matis (?) guy was great looking in its white stone.
Was that really Tosca they were shooting at? It looked interesting. I might want to go see Tosca like that. I guess I have gotten old since I've grown a liking to some operas, like Lucia Di Lammermoor, The Medium, Faust (with Damnation, of course)...
This time it wasn't all about "No one can have eyes like that", but more like, "Why does a guy that ugly have such beautiful eyes.." :) Me and my shallow thoughts! I kept thinking what if those eyes were gifted to Jensen Ackles (whose own eyes are not bad either)... I have always loved the eye part in men and as I've grown older, I have grown to love exceptionally colored eyes.
The only thing I didn't like about the film was that I was sitting too front. I usually sit on the 5th row (of 13?), but this time there was just too much action and at times I felt a bit unease having my range of vision filled with action.
It's not much, I know, but after last year with no snow at all I find this more than refreshing. I'm pretty sure no one will whine this year, since I bet snow is what they'll enjoy instead of the slush we were so scared of.
Anyway, let's cross our fingers (or toes, heck, even arms) and hope to have many more snowy days . Please, Mother Nature, I ask of you. Give us more snow. Or at least keep this.