"omg.....i think i've found my one true love....*sigh** omg he's so freaking HOTTTTT!"
I read this hearbreaking line in a comment for this video on You Tube. I was searching for the annoying Nanny (I don't remember her name) series and I wound up with this one (having Chris Evans on it)
Poor Chris Evans. I wonder how many love letters he receives. And how many he actually answers to. Why do these girls spend time dreaming of him? Don't they know he farts and burbs just like anyone? Don't they know that he dated Jessica Biel? Only one of 1000 of his fans (or less) would measure up to Jessica Biel.
It's funny how the fan stuff comes around.. thinking they know someone from reading stuff on the Internet or seeing some interviews. How can one be IN LOVE with someone they have never met? I know that a good looking guy might cause some day dreaming, but not love, I'm sure.
I have never been a real fan type though I used to pretend being fan because my friends were. I never had the droolers for NKOTB. I claimed to be a Tom Cruise fan, but I never really liked him but I knew a boy that had a crush on me hated him... I have had countless dreams of Ewan McGregor and Jensen Ackles, but I couldn't care a bite if they were standing next to me in line (because I'd be out of my league ;))
I used to be a X-Files fan, does that count?