I didn't even realize Jessica Alba is of anything else than "white" descent until I read she said "Don't call me latina". I always thought latina is something you call a woman of full latin born parentage, but one can be wrong only for so many times ;)
I saw Silver Surfer today, by the way. How does it seem to me that Chris Evans is not much of an actor? But I suppose good looks override the disability to say your lines without sounding as if you were reading them from a paper.. I don't mind, don't get offended. I've always preferred the talkers in my relationships, but for a guy who looks like that, I wouldn't mind if we couldn't create a decent conversation.
The weather has been weird today. First, it was raining. Then the wind rose. Then it was snowing. Then a blinding sunshine from a clear blue sky, then some more snow and now it's just a clear blue sky again. It should be 20 degrees (centigrade) BELOW and we're getting pollen warnings. How creepy is this?
OH, hey, I just had the brainstorm of my life.
I wish they'd remake Tarzan. The animals - of course - could be CGI.
Jane could be Jessica Alba and Tarzan (of course) Chris Evans. And the voices.. The elephant could be the guy who played opposite Heigl in Knocked up, the chubby one. The panther should be Christopher Lee, the mother could be Queen Latifah and the leader ape could be Robert DeNiro.
Good idea, eh?