Some mornings waking up sucks, so I decided to skip that part today. It's six a.m. and the sun is just getting up, so there's no reason to go to bed. I'm gonna wait til the clock turns a bit more, take a shower and then try sleeping.
Meanwhile, lets get into my favorite topic, being currently mr. Dean Winchester a.k.a Jensen Ackles.
If someone tells me Jensen Ackles is something more than a pretty face, I'll tell then to go screw themselves. This little pretty boy can't even fake a smile and not look fake.
It's as if he's trying to act that he's acting a smile.
But he IS so adorable and by now I have learned one thing in life: you're going to get far just by being adorable.
I'm so tired.
Think I'm gonna go take a nap. Just a nap.. just.. a... na..p