So, A few weeks ago I felt like shit. I felt like shit until this morning, actually.
And after those short hours of actually feeling good...
The bumb in my belly is starting to hurt again and the pain is all over the lower part of my belly. I tried to phone for the scan today but there was no answer. I'm beginning to think that the number isn't valid.
I hope it's not cancer.
Three of my grandparents have died on cancer. It's commonly known, that it might skip one generation and my mother's generation haven't died on cancer. That's apt to be either me or one of my sisters..
Haha, I phoned again. An answer. Finally.
I got the appointment on 15th December. There's only one doctor in this town who does the scans once a month and all the appoinments were full until December. Great. Just great.
Does cancer spread in a few months?