I had a strange dream just a few hours ago.
J was hospitalized after a very bad accident and I was crying my eyes out when the guy who was first there on the accident site came to my door and brought tons of food and decided to keep me company. We were talking and eating when I received a SMS which said, "I'm sorry, he's in an autopsy". That made my burst in tears and suddenly there was this music, from the snowman cartoon, walking in the air. I started singing along (and I sung well - that's the comedy in my dreams). I sung so loud that the people in morgue could hear it and someone said: "She's hoping peace for this poor guy" and the word "peace" started echoing and J woke up in terrible pain. In pain but alive. I woke up still singing in my mind, turning to the windon just to notice the almost full moon shining.
Another dream last night might be another strange one, as I accidentaly kissed one trusted friend of mine. I noticed something in his air, something that told me I was going to be kissed and I decided to respond that one time. My luck, though, made him kiss me on the cheek. A small piece of comedy again, eh? I remember once reading that kissing someone in one's dreams would mean deep friendship in the real life. We are friends, I know, but I feel him drifting away. Maybe that's a long kiss goodbye?
I woke up four hours before I should have. That sucks.
Tune of the moment:
Howard Blake - Walking in the Air