In short: I'm Pro Life with Choice
But I'm not rubbing it to your face. Every woman has her right. Ever since I've been a teenager, I've know I'd put my baby up for adoption if I would get knocked up. Besides, I've always been careful enough to keep myself clean from The Pill and STD's. Financially it would be safe to be a teenage mother in this country, you'd only need some some humble attitude and strong will, so being a teenager in this country, would not be a reason.
If I got knocked up by a one night stand, I'd go Life & Adoption..
If I got knocked up in an abusive relationship, I'd go Life & Adoption..
If I got raped, I'd still go Life & Adoption.. It wouldn't be my or the baby's fault.
If I had no money to support myself, I'd go Life & Adoption..
If my baby would have something wrong, I'd go Choice. The only time I'd go choice. A life lived only half or without knowing who you are, unable to ask and unable to understand is not a life. A life lived as a burden to other people would not be a life.
The reason for this post is the numerous sites each defending their own side.
I found a site dedicated to a law that would force abortion agencies to let the parents of a minor know. The site introduced tens of calls to Planned Parenthood in which a voice altered "teen" called to check if they would offer her abortion allthough her "boyfriend" was 22 (In the US, it's called a statutory rape). The only thing I learned from those tapes was that most of the ones who worked on that line didn't know about that law or were too bored in their job to actually listen to the caller. I found a site with horrible pictures of aborted fetuses. I found a site claiming that anonymous abortion on a clinic without parents knowing is much better than butcher abortions (I agree).. A few girls die over septicemia or some complication, but that is almost always the result of their own actions. It's like taking a vacation in Iraq: Lot's of sun and sand, but you might end up dead any day. If you're ready to have sex, you're ready to suffer the consequences and it might include a death. You might have HIV instead of a child, would like that? Decisions, decisions...
So, I'm pro life with Choice and Let Others Choose Their Side.