It's funny how the nature is always the culprit.
Last year it was the tsunami in Asia, in 2005, it's Katarina in the USA. You can't help it, really, and those events will repeat themselves year after year. I know this will hurt many people and some may say I'm being heartless, but this is the truth: nature has a right to do that. It was here long before us and will stay here after we are gone. We are a product, which went terribly wrong and now the nature fixing it.
I know I might be thinking differently if it happened here, but I do think that a) we deserve it - all of us and b) it's good for our little planet. I want you to think some things the other way this time... What if Hitler didn't destroy half of the jewish population in Europe? That would mean - what - two times the destroyed amount of people walking on earth. What if there was a cure for AIDS and it was available for everyone? Think that each woman in some of the countries will give birth to two to nine children. What if all those children survived and made more children? This is harsh, I know, but I think of it as a nature's way of trying to cope with it's mistakes.
And that's what we are, dear fellow people, mistakes. I'm glad to announce the whole new world library, the Internet, that I'm glad of nature's response to our irresponsibility - to my irresponsibility. I took a two -hour bath three days ago. I didn't presort my garbage yesterday. Katrina killed maybe thousands of people and destroyed one of the most beautiful cities in the world. You went to work alone in your car. And so did your neighbor. The tsunami last year took people.
I wonder if anyone else sees the pattern here.
No matter how smart monkeys we are, no matter how much money we have or where we live, nature WILL find its way to show us we are really nothing but a bulk of meat useless to other species than bugs that eventually will own us. Make a cure and there will be bacteria twice as dangerous.
Some of you have probably seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow?
You should. Definitely.