Remember a post where I mentioned I bumped into a Chris Evans -dobbelgänger? Well, I saw him again. He's an engineering student at my school, and we both attended a pre-christmas party. I saw him there, and gawked like an idiot. I instantly remembered he was the guy I bumped into this one summer. It's funny that I don't remember the last name of a guy who I used to date in high school (I remember his BMW), but I still remember what this guy was wearing on the day I saw him for the first time. It's funny that I don't remember what J was wearing on the first day I met him, but I remember this. It's weird. And it's not that I want to talk with him or get to know him. No, actually I prefer it to be something like a dream.
How crazy is that?
About school.. I've had my first practice now, and I have realized that this education leads to being an overglorified ass-wiper. I'm not going to spend years in school, and do shit job - literally. That is the reason you go to school, to be able to do something else than ass-wiping.
If I get a job during spring 2012, I'm quitting.
To some obscurity of cloud --
It will not do to say of night,
Since dark is what brings out your light.
-Robert Frost-