So, the Chinese are stealing our jobs. Why? Because they are cheap. If they can have ten employees for the price of one in Sweden, that's where they're going. To maximise the profits of course.
Plus, China doesn't care about the environment, so their factories are pushing the same shit we're trying to get rid of. So instead of substituting more energy and environment efficient factories, companies move their production facilities to China. Nice work.
So, what should China and India do, then?
1. Demand education: If a mother is working in the factory, a factory nanny can take care of the children, so the children can play and not work at home or at some other place (like they do in India). Letting their children have at least the basic education is worth everything (at least future, skillful employees).
2. Pay or food. Employees would be paid for overtime or they are given enough nutritious food at work. A work day (12 hours) is much more effective if the employees are healthy. Besides, a worker works well with a full tummy.
3. Demand Proper Setting: Every hired factory worker should have at least proper housing and food (in those factories that have housing). A bed with in a small room with four others and sharing a bathroom with twenty others is not decent housing for a long time. People who live outside the factory should be granted food at least. If work hours are long before the deadline, all employees provided with food, drink and breaks. Having a possibility for company health care is essential, especially if the factory handles less nice stuff.
Housing would cost, of course, but this is the setting I'd prefer: One apartment would house four employees (or a family), have one bedroom with bunk beds, a kitchen and a bathroom. The apartment building would have a space for social gatherings, seats, maybe a few posters. 40 apartments can fit easily and the building costs would be something similar to building a large house in the US. So, a factory owner could postpone their new Hampton's house or the wife's mercedes for a year and take care of the employees. If the company should close the unit in C/I/whatever, they could sell the building to the government for a nominal fee.
Now, the education part: Hiring a teacher from the target country should be easy. India, for example, has quite many people with language skills and some education. Besides, the kids only need to learn to read, write and maybe do some calculus. Anyone can teach them, no need for certified teachers as long as the teacher speaks the kids' language. A meal at school is a very good reason for their parents to let their kids come to school.
Pay.. Pay is always difficult. I couldn't say how much a Chinese factory worker should earn, but It should be decent.. So, if a factory worker in Sweden earns 1400 euros a month plus healthcare and low cost meals at work, it would only be decent to pay the Chinese 350 euros and a meal. It's horrible to hear that they work overtime in poor conditions and earn a swedes' monthly pay in a year
It's horrible to hear that my jeans that I bought for 49 euros have been made by little chinese girls who earns the same amount by working 12 to 16 hours a day for a month. It's sick and it's cruel.