
If I Ruled The World


Everyone would speak English, other languages would be banned


Age of consent would be 18. Having sex before 18 would result in a criminal punishment for older party

Giving birth would be free

Maternity counseling would be free for everyone

Finnish style maternity package would be granted for everyone

Single people wouldn't be able to adopt until age of 35

Gays wouldn't be allowed to adopt

Each family would be paid €2000 for a healthy baby when the child turns five months.

Each child would get €100 a month child allowance until the child turns 17 if the parents earn less than €11/hour


There would be no official relationships, just live-in partners

Gay relationships would be banned, but not punished


Everyone would pay a tax of 21% regardless what they earn

Inheritances under €20k would not be taxed at all

Inheritances over €million would be taxed 46%

Minimum wage would be €8/h

Women and men would be paid equally


Everyone would have to go through basic school

Everyone would go through nine years in basic school + one life coach year
Schoolday would be from 10 to 15 Sunday to Thursday

Monday would be Physical Education day

School would start at the age of seven:

1 year play school (learning to read, write and calculate)
1 year English
1 year mathematics
1 year biology
1 year music and arts + culture studies
1 year
1 year history, philosophy
1 year mathematics, chemistry & physics
1 year recapping everything that's been learned
+ one year life coach = taxes, social support, family, working, profession tests etc

Every basic school work would not be evaluated by numbers, but by fail/pass

Schools and work places would provide one hot meal/day for everyone

Everyone would be evaluated to best and second suitable profession and get to choose
between. The ones who wouldn't comply to this, would fill in professions that lack
work force.

Students after basic school would live in school provided apartments and pay no rent

Students would receive student allowance of €200 a month after they turn 17

Work & Vacation:

Work hours would be from ten to 15 from Sunday to Thursday and from 12 to 15 friday
The ones who work saturdays too would get paid 400% for the working hours

People with family would get two weeks vacation every year in summer, two days late fall, one week mid-winter and one week late spring
People without family would get two weeks vacation every summer and one week mid-winter


Small crimes would be punished by community service

Domestic violence would be trialed regardless of what the victim thinks

Childporn dealers and users would be castrated

Rapers would be castrated

One time in jail would be with benefits such as nutritional food, private room with private shower and education
Second time in jail would remove all rights to benefits. Food would be good enough to keep prisoners alive in large cells
Multiple crimes would result in a close-up to all-criminals area where they would run their own area together, producing food and goods for theirselves with threath of death penalty on inside crimes
Death Penalty for Murder would be introduced

Alcohol and drugs would be strictly banned and alcohol/drugs related stuff would be force treated

Smoking cigarettes and cigars would be banned everywhere but inside homes, but smokers wouldn't receive free health care


Every religion would be banned not to show outside of a person

Discussing religion would be punished

Trying to "sell" religion would be punished

Churches wouldn't be able to take members younger than 18 years

Churches couldn't show outside


Everyone would have to pay 10€ per visit to the health center (doctor appointments) and 20€/day to hospital. There would be no private hospitals or doctors.

Plastic surgery would be prohibited unless it would be used to fix marks of accidents or violence


Movies would be rated suitable according to age:
3+ no violence, sex, bad language, arguments
7+ no violence, sex, bad language
13+ no violence, sex
16+ no gore

Night clubs would be prohibited for people under 23
Entrance fees would be standard €1,5
Age would be confirmed by iris scans included to personal id cards

All museums would be free and if approved, subsidised by the government

Old age + Pension:

Old people would be granted the same pension regardless of what they earned : €1100 a month and wouldn't have to pay tax

Other stuff:

Internet would work by identification by iris scans

Cars would be electric. Speed limits would be 30km/h in city and 90 outside city.

Non-presentative art would be banned

Driving license could be obtained by the age of 17 and renewed every three years

Aren't you glad I don't rule the world!