I just spend three days playing Endless Ocean on Wii.
I actually almost cried when I took the first dive.
I simply love it! I've had an aquarium of my own and have thought getting myself a salt water aquarium. Okay, the surroundings get a bit boring, since everything keeps the same, just a bit variation with layout. The bottom texture starts to annoy after ten-thirteen hours.
The fish are great! There's a lot of variation of species and they've also included some amazing fish (& some mammals, amphibians etc) and even a sea cucumber (my favorite!)..
I've found some of the species, like, a gazillion times and some species won't show up even if I dive the locations day and night and night and day, so, after going through the whole game I still have 40+ species unfound.
And I really don't get the Polar bear. Baby animals that come on the deck of the boat are a major plus! I just love the penguins!
Only thing that really bothers me is the partner thing. First, you can't have all the dolphins as partners (choosing is difficult) and having a wild thing as a partner (pet) to train is NOT OKAY in real life. It keeps amazing me how the dolphins seem to really like humans in real life.
Well, come to think of it, petting fish that live out on the reef is not okay in real life either, but I suppose Endless Ocean is better to learn of the marine life than going out there really. Besides, petting Red stingrays isn't probably smart in real life.
The soundtrack is great for diving. It's soft, flowing and Haley Westenra (Lucy, anyone?) has a very, very beautiful voice. I don't like that kind of music, but surprisingly that didn't annoy me.