The comet Lulin is visible for a couple of weeks. I haven't seen it yet, because it "rises" above the horizon very early in the morning. I have a good telescope and I haven't been able to use it for quite some time now, because most of the time the weather sucks.
My Ex spoke to me on MSN today. I removed him from my friend contacts ages ago cause I thought it would be annoying to J and my ex's wife if we talked to each other. But today I figured it is totally okay and added him to friends again. We don't have feelings for each other anymore. We broke up for a reason back then and we live 600 kilometers apart, so what harm could it do to anyone?
I still love him, when he comes to my mind once or twice a year, but not in that relationship-love -manner. It's like the love you feel for something good that happened, the good memories and feelings remembered. I love all my exes, the good bits in them. But I would never want to have a relationship with them again. I know what was M's biggest fault and I bet he found a great deal in me. Being awfully jeallous isn't the smallest, I bet.
The only relationship I regret were the two I didn't have. One because I didn't want to break up with M and one because this guy was too good a friend to lose. The friend has long been gone, so no harm would have been done anyway.
Regrets, one thing the humans could do without.