Let's start with the Good.
Indiana Jones:
I hadn't read a single review and tried to keep myself from getting any information on the film. As soon as I saw the scull I knew that H.R. Giger got himself copied. The sculls anyone? Well, of course the movie was behind Lucasarts and Stan Winston, but the scull was SO close to the alien one, I couldn't help myself but enjoy the rest of the movie too.
Iron Man: Good enough. I had low expectations, so it surprised me in the positive way..
The Happening:
Shyamalan rocks. I mean seriously rocks. Yesterday when I walked out of the theater, the strong wind gave me the chills. So far his movies (the ones I've seen) have made me:
See dead people in my dreams
Break my toe
Like Joaquin Phoenix
Wait for the plants' revenge.
+learn how to look for the little things in the movies
But hey, what the hell was the microphone thing in The Happening?
Well done, Mr. Shyamalan. Night-san!
Kung Fu Panda
The chopstick fight was the best ever!
And The Not Bad, but not good:
Dark Floors
The second Finnish movie in English (that I've seen) and the only bad thing was the Lordi members. The rest of it: Ten points for Finland. Ten poäng Finland. Seriously, I didn't even know Marcus Selin can DO things like that. You can also see the annoying captain from "Aliens" in this little piece of Finnish movie history.
The Shiteous:
Again one of the movies that have made me want to destroy all the children.
And some others just on DVD and blu-ray