Yup, it's been a nice week.
On Monday I came in to a eye specialist to have my eyes checked due to loss of sigh in my right eye. Now I'm in the neurological ward after a CAT-scan, MRI, lumbar puncture and various blood tests.
Nobody has told me but I think they are following two theories: either I have MS or IIH. I hope it's the latter because it will ease up with losing weight, and taking some medication. MS will most likely result in very painful death by aspiration of something that will cause a pneumonia or just plainly suffocating.
What made me suspect IIH? I did some research and I came up with something that matches me in the typical patient group, matches the symptoms, and is found by eliminating other possible culprits with a CAT-scan, MRI and lumbar puncture.
A lumbar puncture was done to me yesterday, and it was pure hell. I couldn't relax, and as they found a needle spot...
Edit: They are, indeed, suspecting IIH! The doctor just came to his rounds.