I've noticed that movies don't have these liplocking, twisting, raw Clark Gable -type kisses anymore, but kisses that do not happen.
First kiss that didn't happen - and I noticed was in Identity, where Ed and Paris argue in the rain and he leans to her as to kiss her but never does. Kissing her would have ended the angry, fear filled situation but not kissing her ended it up too. Just the almost -moment there... Just a second in the movie. I didn't really enjoy the rest, though I have it on DVD.
Another kiss that doesn't happen comes in the middle of an argument - in rain - as Mr. Darcy confesses his love and proposes to Lizzie, who is pissed off by the way he arguments the difference in their situation in life. The kiss doesn't happen because of the propriety rules of the time. Check Pride & Prejudice starring Keira Knightley to see the moment.
My favorite kiss that doesn't happen is in Stardust. While Tristan and Yvaine are walking towards the village of Wall, Tristan pushes Yvaine to a bush to hide from the people coming towards them. He falls on her and she asks isn't he tempted (to kill her and have her heart for eternal life) and it seems to the viewer that she asks him doesn't he feel tempted to kiss her and he almost does. Check Stardust with Claire Danes and Charlie Cox.
I think I like kisses that don't happen in life too.
This one guy who would have kissed me but didn't have a chance since we were interrupted, I never got to know what kind of a kisser he was and now I'm free to imagine he would have been the perfect one. He was also devilishly handsome, so way out of my league.
There have been kisses that I wish didn't happen..
...and kisses that were meant to happen.
I love kisses. I'm in a kissing mood today. Wish I had someone to kiss.