First: I have nothing against gay people. Being gay is just a line in the DNA, like bad bone marrow, red hair, short index finger or blue eyes.
Second: I hate Perez Hilton.
Who the *bleep* is he to talk anything about anyone? He wears fugly clothes, is fat (I mean FAT, not healthy), he talks like a woman. He's the shame of gay people and make them look bad. Look at Kyan Douglas. Or the gazillion other gays, who look and sound good and are actually smart people.. Even Carson Kressley (or whatsit'sname) would be less annoying, if he'd cut the crap.
I didn't even realize trashing other people can make someone go as far as P.H. did. And why wouldn't he use his real name anyhow? Mario is such a cool name for a pizza - or a plumber..
I'm ashamed to say I have read But that's over now.
Oh.. and if someone wants to ask me who the hell am I to talk anything about anyone.. well, here's an answer: I recognize my own behavioral patterns and the faults in myself. Apparently some don't.
Mario what-ever-your-name-is: Go hide in your crappy apartment and die a lonely death. Even Avril Lavigne deserves it.