Not that I would do what I'm thinking of - it just occured to me that a certain feeling disappears after the first kiss you share with someone. I'm not sure everyone understands what I'm saying, but I will try to explain it: You know when you hear a song that just makes you close your eyes and stand still - you simply forget where you were going and what you were thinking just before you turned the radio on. That's the feeling you get when you kiss someone for the very first time. It's a little twitch in your tummy just a blink of an eye before the kiss - when you suddenly realize that the moment is going to lead to a kiss and you really, really like the one who's standing there in front of you. And it's an one-time-offer only - it will never happen again with this same person. I can barely remember the feeling but I have this strange anxiety (I guess it's about the springtime) that I have to feel it again. But no worries, I have no plans of making it happen. I just keep thinking that it's something one loses after making a promise of staying together with someone for the rest of one's life.
The tune of the moment - it's 3am now - is something that feels like the first kiss with someone special. Every single time. Listen to this. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (Op 27 No 2 for piano in D-minor is the one I have)
More about kissing. Have you ever had disappointments? You really wait for the courage to kiss someone and when the moment finally comes the person is a bad kisser - or his breath stinks - or he tries to stick his tongue right through your head - OR he just feels like eating a snail, wet, loose and - ummm, well, you know - boring. One very big disappointment was a friend of mine who I really badly wanted to kiss me and whom I had a big crush. When he finally did, I went numb - He is a tall, strong and goodlooking guy who kisses like he thinks he would break the one he's kissing. I felt thunderstruck - in the bad meaning. I've had the other end too: a guy - another crush again - was a perfect kisser for me and every time he kissed me I had to struggle not to start dancing. But that first kiss sting was there only once.
It's strange, this, how us humans - we ended up like this. No other animal on this planet kisses like we do - and if they did, it wouldn't mean so much to them as it feels for a human. A kiss is a seal of a faithful friendship, dedication - or pure desire. It can start and end a relationship, it makes promises but can be a lie too.