The Swedish election this year brought a shocking news: A party that tries to take regular swede's living and being under their wing is getting smoked out of the building. Why? Of course there's the explanation of today: racism. They are racist. They are trying to get rid of the immigrants who refuse to work, force the people in Sweden to accept their ways and commit the majority of crimes in the whole country. Stating this I'm actually racist, because it is forbidden to say what you think in a country ran by people who claim to accept anything and anyone who ever feel like exploiting the very good social system Sweden offers to its nationals.
No, really, I'm not racist. I don't promote violence towards the immigrants, I do not want them dead, hurt, isolated or anything like that.
I just don't want the tax money we pay to go to people who do not even try to learn the language, behave and get a job or education. These people don't try. 99% don't give a shit.
Almost every immigrant from non-western country has committed a crime. They don't get punished properly. They don't lose any of their privileges, they don't get deported.
In Finland, an immigrant who comes to the border, claims to be in search of asylum is given their own apartments, money from 1000£ to 5000£ depending on how much they can milk out of different agencies meant for the Finnish people. They complain that the people are racist, there are no jobs for them and they are not accepted to schools. Yeah. Racism, the magic word.
I know a few immigrants who actually attend school. I know a few that work, but everyone of them is either from a northen European country, from the UK, US, Canada, Australia...
None of the ones who come from Africa or Middle East (and now Eastern Europe) work. Well, they do run "ethnic" eateries (offering pizza and kebab) and they are celebrated by the government, that this is the immigrant material we need. However, they receive a three year tax free operation bonus, starting money and constant monetary support. A Finn has to take a loan to start their own business. When the three years of tax free operation bonus ends they name their children the owners of the eatery and again another three year run.
It's humiliating to notice that a Finn who goes to KELA (The social insurance institution of Finland - helps the poorer Finns) or Social Services goes there in dire need of food and shelter. The immigrants drive their social services paid cars there. I've seen an immigrant driving a brand new BMW.
They forbid their wifes to work, they teach their children that not working is okay. They do not bother to learn the language, since they'd have to go to school and work and pay taxes if they did. They do not bother to do anything but complain and milk any money they can. And that money is away from the ones who it's been gathered for: the less fortunate Finns and Swedes.
Four immigrant children are paid for their own language course. A group of sixteen Finns is needed to get a course on a language they want and need to learn.
Rheumatism specialised hospital was closed because the city couldn't find the four million euros it needed to operate. However, the city was able to find the funds for a immigrant center (that houses people who come as refugees or asylum seekers).
Schools are closed, the groups are getting bigger (in a country that's famous for its excellent education) and at the same time smaller groups are offered for immigrants.
We don't have enough money to hire more doctors, teachers, nurses, police or people we need. Because we pay for immigrants who don't care about anything else than their weird religion and beating up their women.
Ghettos are forming. The natives are not interested in living with people who claim to be above the rules of the country. They do what they want to do and some even congratulate them. Cultural enrichment it's called. There are some areas in Sweden that the police don't go. But it's racist to say the immigrants need to integrate, yeah, that's what the idealistic idiots who don't have a single ounce of understanding of anything say. The idiots who are elected by their friends.. Small elite runs both Sweden and Finland and they are the reason the majority of tax payers are suffering. They say that the Finns are racist. When they do not live with the immigrants in the same neighborhoods. Their children go to private schools where they are against racism but don't get to see how a muslim boy exorts the teacher to give him good grades (or else it's racism)..
A car gets stopped after some weird behavior on the road. The windows are darkened so we don't see who drives it. After the driver openes the window we see it's an immigrant. The police explains what's going on. The driver says: "It's racist to stop me.."
Oh, and a criminal lives in the same house with me. Actually he's the relative of a major war criminal from an eastern european country. He hasn't even bothered to change his name. He's here on asylum status and everything he needs is paid while his victims suffer in their own country or are dead. He's the one who said he'd kill me.
Who the fuck came up with the idea that it's okay to yell racist every time when someone doesn't share your childish idealism?
The immigrants (that come with seeking for asylum -status) are trouble. They rape women, they commit way more crimes in relation to how many there are. They require priviliges without paying anything back. Not even a certain humility of knowing they are paid by everyone around them.
And I'm not talking about the people who are brought here from refugee camps. They are the ones in need, not the ones who come here with a plane ticket they pay.
I'm not talking about the real immigrants that come to the country willing to work, learn the language, pay taxes and live. I'm talking about that useless population that comes here like a rat infestation that only leaves when the boat is sinking.
That's what's happening. The boat is sinking.
This is what the Sverigedemokraten in Sweden and Perussuomalaiset in Finland are trying to avoid. That's why I'd vote for them.
Sweden is going for re-election. The majority parties are trying to get Sverigedemokraternas out. I hope they don't succeed. It's time the leeches are stopped.
And a little note: Perussuomalaiset doesn't have neo nazi nor racist background. It's the bigger party ran media that claims it. Everyone claims to know that Perussuomalaiset's are racist but I don't see an inch racism in their Election manifest. Do some research before you make your uncivilized notions.