
Nature Trail

We went for a little walk in "the nature", the little park in our town.. The park is left completely in it's natural state, so our adventure there included a lot of cold, wet stuff to sink our feet in..
A few images of runt trees. The fungus is very beautiful. These kind of forests are very important to ecosystem, but there are not much left because of the government run arboriculture.

We also heard a lot of birds. Surely we heard (and saw) tree creepers, european greenfinches, common chaffinches, black-billed magpies, a few hooded crows trying to hit squirrel nests, willow warblers, a lesser spotted woodpecker, a flock of canada geese (or something like that) flying over us and various tits and starlings..

A pretty good day bird-wise. I actually felt a bit sad there, remembering our little angel-bird :(